Estructura vegetal, suelos y evolución histórica del uso y gestión en la Dehesa de Cubillas (Valladolid, España)
- Raquel Varela Ona
- José A. Cadiñanos Aguirre
- Luis A. Longares Aladrén
- Pedro J. Lozano Valencia
- Itxaro Latasa Zaballos
- Neus La‐Roca Cervigón
- Guillermo Meaza Rodriguez
Publisher: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles
Year of publication: 2017
Pages: 2339-2348
Congress: Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles (25. 2017. Madrid)
Type: Conference paper
The Dehesa of Cubillas is situated along the Duero river bank, on the Castronuño meander point bar, at the foot of Gurugú Mont, on the border between the provinces of Valladolid and Zamora. This dehesa oak represents the traditional landscape, intended for the cattle and sheep livestock use. The dehesa, which was a larger area in the past, is today clearly in decline in favor of the expansion and intensification of agricultural use. This work is a continuation of Geobotany and soil preliminary studies of mentioned vegetation, in which different methodologies were used (LANBIOEVA, Gentry, traditional soil analysis). Here, a historical analysis of landuse and management is used in order to characterise the Cubillas dehesa. During the middle and modern ages the estate belonged to military orders and to the Church. With the Mendizábal disentailment the state was sold and taken over by different noble families. In the early 19th century was named by Madoz (1826) as “the dense holm oak of Cubillas”, a descriptive term that can hardly be used today. The literature and document review and in‐depth interviews are intended to introduce a few nuances as well as for ranking in order of importance the anthropic elements which, along with physical components, have influenced in the shaping of this sole landscape.