Strengthening the vocation of new studentsthe case study of the degree in geology from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain

  1. M.J. Irabien
  2. M. Arriolabengoa
  3. B. Bazán
  4. A. Cearreta
  5. A. Pascual
  6. E. Roda
  7. M.K. Urtiaga
  8. M.C. Zuluaga
Edulearn 18. 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology: (Palma, 2nd-4th of July, 2018). Conference proceedings
  1. Gómez Chova, Luis (coord.)
  2. López Martínez, A. (coord.)
  3. Candel Torres, I. (coord.)

Argitaletxea: IATED Academy

ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Orrialdeak: 2917-2922

Biltzarra: Edulearn. International conference on Education and New Learning Technology (10. 2018. Palma)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena