Falsas memorias en el recuerdo y reconocimiento de palabras
- García Bajos, Elvira
- Migueles Seco, Malen
ISSN: 0210-9395, 1579-3699
Argitalpen urtea: 1997
Zenbakia: 58
Orrialdeak: 3-14
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudios de Psicología = Studies in Psychology
The present experiment examined false memories in the recall and recognition of lists of words associated with a critical nonstudied item. Half of the subjects received a free recall test immediately after the presentation of each list. However, all the subjects were later given a recognition test including studied words, critical lures, and distractors. The critical lures were recalled 38% of the time, recognized on more than 70% of the occasions, and the subjects attributed the source of their answers to the presentation of the critical lures in the lists. Most of the critical lures reproduced in the previous recall later recognized, while only half of the time were the nonproduced critical words were recognized. Result implications are discussed and some interpretations are argued for this false memory phenomenon