Uso de Chatbots en la Docencia Universitaria

  1. Juanan Pereira 1
  2. Haritz Medina 1
  3. Óscar Díaz 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Facultad de Informática, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
TICAI 2016: TICs para el Aprendizaje de la Ingeniería
  1. Alfonso Lago Ferreiro (ed. lit.)
  2. Manuel G. Gericota (ed. lit.)

Argitaletxea: Universidade de Vigo

ISBN: 978-84-8158-732-6

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Orrialdeak: 97-104

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


Chatbots are computer applications that can simulate a conversation with a human. Today, chatbots can be integrated into and leverage messaging apps advantages (no installation effort and massive availability). Chatbots enable a new breed of mobile learning ubiquitous applications. Yet, designing such applications is a new challenge. In this article we present the design and implementation of a Telegram bot for training students using multiple-choice question quizzes. Students think that using bots for practicing tests is a good idea (89%), could help to engage more in the subject (72%) and will definitely recommend its use in university subjects (94%)