Es, bibe, lude, veni (CLE 1500)sobre la alegría de vivir en los epitafios antiguos

  1. Muñoz García de Iturrospe, María Teresa
Saber reírse: el humor desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días
  1. Mamolar Sánchez, Idoia (coord.)

Publisher: Liceus, Servicios de Gestión y Comunicación

ISBN: 978-84-9714-044-7

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 89-102

Type: Book chapter


The ancient epitaphs often seek a dialogue in order to incite readers to enjoy life and its pleasures, when the end is inevitable and common. These interventions, which come preferably in the first person, provoke an ironic effect and, at the same time, spread the memory of the deceased, by re moving the most common funerary topics which characterize this «!iterature of the streets». The epitaph which gives rise to the title (es, bibe, lude, veni, i.e., «Eat, drink, play, come here») is followed by other many manifestations of humour, which are more or less thick, funny, or ironic, including sorne nihilistic word games. All these are clase to popular thought and modes of oral transmission that influenced decisively classical authors.