Shaping knowledge for diagnosis by means of KADIa procedural example

  1. M. Martín
  2. I. Fernández Castro
  3. M. Urretavizcaya
  4. B. Ferrero
Informática educativa: nuevos retos

Editorial: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ; Universidad Complutense de Madrid ; Universidad de Extremadura

ISBN: 84-7723-653-4

Año de publicación: 2004

Congreso: Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa (6. 2004. Cáceres)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


KADI is a knowledge acquisition environment developed to fulfil the knowledge representation needs of DETECTive. Both of them compose a cognitive diagnostic tool created to assess conceptual and procedural learning activities of students. One of the main goals of KADI is to facilitate to the teacher the knowledge definition process (functional domain and exercises), and this paper illustrates this aspect by means of a deep example.