Los periodistas y sus colegasuna relación más bien difícil
- José Manuel Pestano Rodríguez (coord.)
- Samuel Toledano Buendía (coord.)
- Alberto Isaac Ardèvol Abreu (coord.)
- Ciro Enrique Hernández Rodríguez (coord.)
Publisher: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social
ISBN: 978-84-938428-0-2
Year of publication: 2010
Pages: 11
Congress: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (2. 2010. La Laguna)
Type: Conference paper
This article researches on how the films reflect the relationship between journalists and their colleagues. Its interest lies in the fact that often the perception that the public has of journalists' work depends on the image that the movies transmit, an image where in most cases, the journalist is presented in a distorted form. These films show complex relationships, in which feelings like love, hatred or envy are intertwined.