Análisis de la imagen de una Universidad Pública y de su efecto sobre la intención de compra de artículos con su logotipo

  1. Martín Arroyuelos, Ana María
  2. Mijangos del Campo, Juan José
Anales de economía aplicada 2007
  1. Fernández Arufe, Josefa E. (dir.)
  2. Rojo García, José Luis (dir.)
  3. Moyano Pesquera, Pedro Benito (coord.)
  4. Somarriba Arechavala, Noelia (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Española de Economía Aplicada, ASEPELT

ISBN: 84-96477-93-2

Year of publication: 2007

Volume Title: Área VII : Métodos cuantitativos

Volume: 7

Pages: 517-537

Congress: ASEPELT España. Reunión anual (21. 2007. Valladolid)

Type: Conference paper


This work is placed in a context in which the University of the Basque Country is planning to open a corporate shop to sell products featuring the University logo. One of the aims of the University is to obtain an economic profitability but the most important objective is to get closer to the society in order to improve its corporate image. To analyze the viability of this gift shop, two surveys have been developed. The first one has been addressed to university-related people and the second one to the general public. In this work we will analyze the results of this last survey. First of all we have made a diagnosis of the corporate image that the general public have about the University of the Basque Country. In this part we have tried to propose an index of the corporate image with the application of a factor analysis. Furthermore we have used a logit regression model in order to determine the factors that increase individual probability of buying corporate products with the University logo. We will pay special attention to the effect of the institutional image on this probability