Modelos de negocio para la prensa en internet. El caso de the Wall Street Journal

  1. Díaz Espina, Carolina
Supervised by:
  1. Alfonso Vara Miguel Director
  2. Robert Picard Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 19 September 2016

  1. Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero Chair
  2. Miguel Carvajal Prieto Secretary
  3. Francisco Javier Pérez Latre Committee member
  4. Sven-Ove Horst Committee member
  5. Juan Carlos Miguel de Bustos Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 121713 DIALNET


The main goal of this thesis is to know what is the business model of online media, focusing in newspaper industry. From the theoretical approach, business model concept is an own unit of analysis. In the beginning, it was developed from many different research perspectives. It¿s more evident a common ground about business model concept and its elements, where the main objectives for the market segment are the creation and the deliver of the value. However, it is common in media research to understand business models as revenue strategy, which is an element of the business model. For this reason and to know the stay of the concept, it was developed a literature review in the main journals of Media Management and Media Economics areas. It revealed that between 2000 and 2015, there were 255 articles with the key word “business model” mentioned in the title, abstract, labels or in the text. The papers related with newspaper industry were classified using the Osterwalder and Pigneur Canvas tool. To illustrate the findings, it was used the case study of The Wall Street Journal. Using public documents of the company and in depth interviews it was constructed the case and the holistic understanding of the business model by a newspaper company.