Analyse du développement durable local et de ses facteurs d'influence

  1. Igor Álvarez Echeverría Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko abendua-(a)k 22

  1. Jacques Jaussaud Presidentea
  2. Gerald Naro Idazkaria
  3. Igor Álvarez Echeverría Kidea
  1. Finantza Ekonomia I

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 144825 DIALNET lock_openADDI editor


This doctoral research aims to answer the two following questions : what arethe sustainable development practices mobilized by local authorities ? And what arethe factors explaining the commitment to these practices ? The first issue is a moredescriptive approach and the second issue is a more comprehensive one.The first part of this research will be dedicated to the analysis of sustainabilitypractices in the local context, by describing which possible practices could be used,whether they are environmental, social, economic and governance. It also provides astructured research model highlighting both local and global factors, whichpotentially explain those local practices, relying particularly on the ¿newinstitutionalism¿.To underline the relevance of these representations, a hybrid empirical studywas then conducted, combining quantitative analysis with an overview of the FrenchAgendas 21 and their implementation factors as well as a qualitative study analyzingmore deep transversal sustainable development in all departments of the localgovernment (Agenda 21 certified by the Ministry of ecology, sustainable developmentand energy). On the one hand, this work has revealed the mixed picture of the LocalAgenda 21 and imbalanced in achieving the four dimensions of sustainable localdevelopment. On the other hand, it has shown the existence of two levels of factors.As the local leadership is predominant, the influence of technical and administrativeleaders induces negative effects on local sustainable development. Finally, thisanalysis had shown the weakness of the transversality of sustainable developmentbetween heads of departments and services. These outcomes have guided ourrecommendations, particularly addressed to the local actors of change.The methodology is intended to be rather classic and deductive. However, thethesis is based on a critical approach: debating as much as possible the requirementsof management science such as assessment and performance. It even debates thoseregarding the sustainable development itself, such as participative democracy andnotions of development and growth, in order to bring new perspectives regarding theissue of municipal sustainable development but also to all the management issuesthat interest ecology.