Determination of drugs used in combined cardiovascular therapy

  1. Gonzalez Mendia, Oskar
Supervised by:
  1. Rosa Maria Alonso Rojas Director
  2. Itxaso Maguregui Olabarria Director

Defence university: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 15 June 2011

  1. Ramón José Barrio Díez-Caballero Chair
  2. Rosa María Jiménez Sanz Secretary
  3. Nerea Ferreiros Bouzas Committee member
  4. Wolfgang Weinmann Committee member
  5. Rosa Ventura Alemany Committee member
  1. Química Analítica

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 313596 DIALNET

Sustainable development goals


Cardiovascular diseases are nowadays the first cause of mortality worldwide, causing around the 30% of global deaths each year. The risk of suffering from cardiovascular illnesses is strongly related to some factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity The combination of these different risk factors is known as metabolic syndrome and it is considered a pandemic due to the high prevalence worldwide. The pathology of the disorders implies a combined cardiovascular therapy with drugs which have different targets and mechanisms of action, to regulate each factor separately. The simultaneous analysis of these drugs turns interesting but it is a complex task since the determination of multiple substances with different physicochemical properties and physiological behavior is always a challenge for the analytical chemist. The complexity of the biological matrices and the difference in the expected concentrations of some analytes require the development of extremely sensitive and selective determination methods. The aim of this work is to fill the gap existing in this field of the drug analysis, developing analytical methods capable of quantifying the different drugs prescribed in combined cardiovascular therapy simultaneously. Liquid chromatography andem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) has been the technique of choice throughout the main part of this work, due to the high sensitivity and selectivity requirements.