Integración de las TIC en proyectos colaborativos mediante apadrinamientos digitales
- Fernández Díaz, Elia
- Correa Gorospe, José Miguel
ISSN: 1695-288X
Año de publicación: 2008
Volumen: 7
Número: 2
Páginas: 57-67
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
In the educational practice, the stage of the timely implementation of ICT must give way to a stadium in the transformation processes that lead to improvement and normalization of its use in the classroom, according to a model capable of combining resources and different in nature and format, reviewing and transforming the teaching work. In this line of reflection, on the action dovetailed work of our network of Preschool, generated around a training action that complements the use of a platform moodle with different tools of technology for social milestones of the process we highlight the following: Development projects collaborative learning centres where students spoke of Preschool and Primary. Review of methodological approaches and facilitation strategies to remove obstacles arising from the shortage of ICT resources in schools: guidelines for more flexible spaces and timetables, systematisation of sponsorships as digital strategies and Child tutoring for the use of technology and diversification of the clusters. Integration of tools of social technology and optimiztion of scaffoliding among participants to rethink and improve integration of ICT as well as contribute to the dissemination of experiences.
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