La romanización en el Cantábrico Oriental

  1. Núñez Marcén, Julio
  2. Cepeda Ocampo, Juan José
  3. Esteban Delgado, Milagros
  4. Filloy Nieva, Idoia
  5. García García, María Luisa
  6. Gil Zubillaga, Eliseo
  7. Hernández Vera, José Antonio
  8. Martínez Salcedo, Ana
  9. Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Alicia
  10. Réchin, François
Medio siglo de arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno: actas del Congreso Internacional
  1. Llanos Ortiz de Landaluze, Armando (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Alavés de Arqueología ; Arabako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Alava

ISBN: 978-84-7821-739-7

Year of publication: 2009

Pages: 345-448

Congress: Congreso Internacional "Medio Siglo de Arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno" (1. 2007. Vitoria)

Type: Conference paper


This presentation provided information on the Romanization of different elements in the eastern section of the Cantabrian coastline area. The data offered provides an overall vision of this fact, which, together with an extensive bibliography, provides an in-depth view into the latest fi eld research projects, excavation programmes and specifi c studies on certain elements, as well as specifi c analyses of Romanization processes. All this provides information on the similarities or differences observed in different territories and areas, from all points of view. This overall and updated vision provides basic information with which valid conclusions that may infl uence the study of other more extensive fi elds can be reached.