Evaluación integrada de vertidos urbanos, industriales y portuarios a estuarios y zonas costeras mediante análisis químicos y medidas de efectos biológicos(una propuesta para la Directiva Marco del Agua)
- Ríos Gutiérrez, Ana de los
- Miren Pilare Cajaraville Bereziartua Director
- José Antonio Juanes de la Peña Director
Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria
Fecha de defensa: 21 January 2016
- Araceli Puente Trueba Chair
- Juan Domingo Bellas Bereijo Secretary
- Francesco Regoli Committee member
Type: Thesis
The general objective of this PhD thesis is to determine the usefulness of the biomarker approach as a complementary tool for the assessment of the effects of a broad range of discharges for the evaluation of the status of coastal and transitional water bodies within the scope of the Water Framework Directive. For this purpose, mussels were transplanted to areas affected by different types of diffuse and point source discharges. Chemical analyses of contaminants were performed in water, sediments and mussel samples. A battery of effect and exposure biomarkers were also performed on mussels. Besides, the structure of the community of benthic invertebrates was analysed in certain study sites. Results on biomarkers indicated that mussels were exposed to metals, estrogenic endocrine disruptors, genotoxic compounds and organic pollutants in some study sites. Besides, results on biomarkers showed significant correlations with concentrations of contaminants in water and with results on benthic communities. Thus, the analysis of biomarkers is proposed as a link between chemical and ecological statuses demanded by Water Framework Directive.