Rigideces lineal y de rotación de los sistemas de amarre de plataformas flotantesanálisis numérico y formulación simplificada

  1. Mazón Gutiérrez, Guillermo
Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Ángel Serna Oliveira Director
  2. Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 13 May 2014

  1. Florencio J. del Pozo Vindel Chair
  2. Iñigo J. Losada Secretary
  3. José Antonio Tarrago Carcedo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 361646 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


This thesis presents a study of the linear and rotational structural stiffness provided by three-line mooring systems used to fix Spar offshore floating structures. Finite element SESAM software has been the numerical resolution tool. It was previously calibrated with laboratory scale models and with operational weather buoys in field tests. It has been determined a general analytical formulation of the linear stiffness, also called translational, and its sensitivity has been studied regarding the different variables involved. From the dimensionless form of the obtained equations a linear stiffness closed-form has been developed and its region of validity delimited. Likewise it has been established the analytical expression of the rotational stiffness of two types of mooring systems and a comparison of both has been performed. These types have been the simple system and the double one or �crow foot�. Finally, results have been verified with the numerical software.