El Macizo de Mérida, un arco volcánico cadomiense reactivado en el hercínico.

  1. Bandrés, A.
  2. Ordoñez, B.
  3. Eguiluz, L.
  4. Carracedo, M.

ISSN: 0213-683X

Argitalpen urtea: 1998

Zenbakia: 25

Orrialdeak: 27-30

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta


The Merida igneous outcrops are situated in the Obejo-Valsequillo-Puebla de la Reina Domain (DOVPR) of the northern Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif). This massif is composed by plutonic and volcanic rocks. These rocks are found undo basal Cambrian. Plutonic rocks are make up garnet bearing ultramafic cumulates, coarse grain diorites with cumulates textures and fine grain diorites and acid rocks. The Cadomian volcanoclastic sucession is formed by Serie Negra. This sucession at the top is very volcanic and volcanoclastic. These materials are affect by Hercynian Orogeny. Hercynian deformations resulted in large-scale sinistraI wrenching of ductile-brittle character. These deformations are similar to, and coherent with those recorded within the Badajoz-Córdoba shear belt during the same event