Caracterización ecológica de los ostrácodos holocenos de los Ojos de Añavieja (Soria, España)

  1. Blanca Martínez-García 1
  2. Amaia Ordiales 1
  3. Antonio Pérez 2
  4. Arsenio Muñoz 2
  5. Aránzazu Luzón 2
  6. Xabier Murelaga 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España
  2. 2 Universidad de Zaragoza, España

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 59

Pages: 55-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta

Sustainable development goals


In this work, the holocene ostracod assemblages of the Añavieja surrounding springs have been studied for the first time, allowing the preliminary differentiation of three subenvironments within this wetland. Thus, the first identified subenvironment gathers areas with high ecological stress due to the seasonality of the water flow and the possible anthropic contamination, where Eucypris virens abounds. The predominance of Cypria ophtalmica defines a second environment, being characterised by the development of large vegetation covers in three of the studied springs. In the third subenvironment the abundance of Darwinula stevensoni and the high water temperature (18.5 ºC) suggest a thermal origin for the spring of Añavieja. This work highlights the use of these microorganisms to characterise ecologically this wetland and to detect possible anthropic impacts on it. The definition of these recent assemblages and their ecological variables allow the comparison with fossil assemblages, thus providing the realization of accurate palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in this area.