Paleoclima y aprovechamiento de recursos costeros durante el mesolítico en la región cantábrica

  1. García Escárzaga, Asier
Supervised by:
  1. Igor Gutiérrez Zugasti Director
  2. Adolfo Cobo García Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 19 July 2018

  1. Pablo Arias Cabal Chair
  2. Eneko Iriarte Avilés Secretary
  3. Nuno Bicho Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 563232 DIALNET


The studies performed on the Mesolithic period in the Cantabrian region had been developed during one century, being very abundant the studies about this topic, especially during the 1970s, 1980s and also currently. However, the data about the littoral resources exploitation strategies, shell midden sites occupation patterns and the paleoclimatic conditions are scarce yet. This PhD research aim to a) determine the molluscs exploitation patterns and its evolution along the Mesolithic period, b) establish the shellfish collection seasonality patterns and c) reconstruction the sea surface temperatures and the palaeoclimate conditions during the Early Holocene in the Cantabrian region. To obtain these data, the PhD student will review the all bibliographic references about this topic and also will apply different methodologies on marine resources recovered in the shell midden site of El Mazo cave (Asturias, northern Iberia), such as the archaeomalacological analyses (species representation, collection areas, biometry, statistical studies, etc.), oxygen and carbonate isotope analyses and element/Ca ratios analyses using ICP-OES and LIBS techniques.