"ORÍGENES"un proyecto de investigación del monumento natural "Cuevas de Fuentes de León" y su influencia en la economía local

  1. Collado Giraldo, Hipólito
  2. Bello Rodrigo, José Ramón
  3. Domínguez García, Isabel M.
  4. Nobre da Silva, Luis Felipe
  5. Rodríguez Dorado, Lázaro
  6. Torrado Cárdeno, José Manuel
  7. Villalba de Alvarado, Mónica
  8. González Márquez, Jairo
  9. Domínguez García, Angel Carmelo
  10. García, Elena
  11. Garrido Fernández, Elena
  12. Capilla Nicolás, José Enrique
  13. Oyola Macías, Eulogio
  14. Giles Domínguez, Marisa
  15. Castaños Ceballos, Cindy
  16. Montero, Rocío
  17. Pérez Romero, Samuel
  18. Duque Espino, David M.
Revista de estudios extremeños

ISSN: 0210-2854

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 71

Issue: 1

Pages: 13-36

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de estudios extremeños


With this paper we are going to describe how an Archeological Project (�ORIGENES�) has influenced in the economic system in a little village, Fuentes de León, on south of Badajoz province. Fourteen years ago, when we have started our Project, in Fuentes de León the main economic resource was the agriculture and, over all, the pigs breedings. There was no restaurants and lodgings in the locality. Today the archeological Project "ORÍGENES" has converted these caves with archeological deposit in a focal point for the cultural tourism in Extremadura. More than a hundred of accommodation units with differents categories and several restaurants have done of this activity the main economic resource of this locality.

Bibliographic References

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