Discursos e ideologías nacionalistas en la España democráticaAplicaciones metodológicas

  1. Rubio Caballero, José Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Mario P. Díaz Barrado Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 06 July 2005

  1. Santiago De Pablo Contreras Chair
  2. Ángeles González Fernández Secretary
  3. Enrique Moradiellos Committee member
  4. Ismael Saz Committee member
  5. Juan Sánchez González Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis analyses the characteristics of the main nationalist movement¿s discourse incurrent Spain. It also studies how these discourses have developed throughout the recent history of Spain. The point of the study is give responses to these questions: are there any changes in the evolution of the discourses throughout the years. Is there any kind of continuity? Which factors bring about those changes and continuities? How do the nationalist ideology, its audience, the Spanish political evolution, influence the discourse¿s evolution?