La Unión Africana. La convivencia entre la fragilidad estatal y el supranacionalismoanálisis político institucional de la integración africana de 2000 a 2016

  1. N'Dri, Kouakou Alban
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Aldecoa Luzárraga Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 15 June 2017

  1. Celestino del Arenal Moyúa Chair
  2. José Ángel Sotillo Lorenzo Secretary
  3. Carlos R. Fernández Liesa Committee member
  4. Noé Cornago Prieto Committee member
  5. María Victoria Rodríguez Prieto Committee member

Type: Thesis


Globally, the idea of the African Union is no longer aseptic. In fact, generally, everyone have his own idea of what could be the African Union, its present, its future, its factual truth, its possibilities, etc. A tangle of demolishing data about Africa may actually guide when that concern is approached. Both in the newspaper, periodical reviews and in the media, the predominant image of the African continent is that of a place full of failed states, ravaged by extreme and endemic poverty, beaten daily by tremendous wars and other calamities of all kinds. Public opinion, rightly or wrongly, has assumed bluntly this image condemning in advance the possibilities of any effort of development or merely any chance of real success emanating from the continent. The African Union could not be less condemned.However, scientific and academically, should we limit us and assume, without any further analysis, that public opinion? If in the last decades, regional integration or a new regionalism has been acclaimed as the infallible vehicle that drives directly to development, does it not seem contradictory that it could not serve the poor or less developed countries, where that development is mainly needed?...