We gme P10: Finite cylinder-source model for pile/borehole heat exchangers in multilayered medium
- Bandos, T.V. 2
- Campos-Celador, A. 2
- González, L.M.L. 1
- Lizárraga, J.M.S. 2
Universidad de La Rioja
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
ISBN: 9781510814202
Year of publication: 2015
Pages: 157-161
Type: Book chapter
Analytical and simulation models of ground heat exchangers (GHE) are necebary for proper sizing piles with smaller depth to radius ratio than boreholes. Most existing methods of design ignore the transient thermal procebes within the piles or boreholes: some software programs are based on the clabical "hollow" cylindrical surface source or line-source models. In order to take into account thermal capacity of large diameter piles, an integral mean temperature approach is applied to the response induced by "solid" cylinder-source of heat (Man et.al, 2010). The average temperature response to a constant heat rate is reduced to a single integral only by integrating the exact solution over the depth of a finite cylindrical source of heat embedded in ground on a distance D from its surface. Anisotropy effect of the multilayered ground is examined using the mean solution at the center and at the edge of a single GHE. Simple form of the obtained solution is suitable for analysis and thermal design. © Copyright 2015 EAGE.