Liburu kapituluak (5) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. On coalitional semivalues

    Abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (Universidad de Sevilla), pp. 59

  2. On the serial cost sharing

    Abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (Universidad de Sevilla), pp. 60

  3. Positive and normative assessment of voting situations

    Abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (Universidad de Sevilla), pp. 37

  4. Potential, Value and Probability

    Abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (Universidad de Sevilla), pp. 79

  5. The Repentance Strategy

    Abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (Universidad de Sevilla), pp. 70