Procesos Psicológicos Básicos y Desarrollo
Articles (768) Publications in which a researcher has participated
A Study on the Attachment to Pets Among Owners of Cats and Dogs Using the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS) in the Basque Country
Animals, Vol. 15, Núm. 1
Emotion regulation difficulties, body and appearance related self-conscious emotions and eating disorders in a sample of adult women
Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, pp. 77-89
Erring on the Side of Caution: Two Failures to Replicate the Derring Effect
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Explicit and Implicit Intermixed–Blocked Effects in the Absence of Instructions Requiring the Search for Differences Between Visual Stimuli
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition , Vol. 51, Núm. 1, pp. 50-60
Extinction induced representational change
Journal of experimental psychology. Animal learning and cognition, Vol. 51, Núm. 1, pp. 35-49
Impact of Botfly Parasitism on the Behavior of Mantled Howler Monkeys
American Journal of Primatology, Vol. 87, Núm. 1
Transposed-character effects during learning to read: When does letter and non-letter strings processing become different?
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol. 249
“Discover your potential to raise your children”: A psychoeducational infancy parenting intervention in Spain
Family Relations, Vol. 74, Núm. 1, pp. 253-269
A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of a one-to-one peer support intervention on resilience, social support, and salivary cortisol in recently diagnosed women with breast cancer
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, Vol. 71
Age-Related sncRNAs in Human Hippocampal Tissue Samples: Focusing on Deregulated miRNAs
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 25, Núm. 23
Atención a las personas con dislexia en la formación universitaria: recomendaciones para la gestión institucional y la práctica docente
Revista de Investigación en Logopedia, Vol. 14, Núm. 2
Behavioral coping with chronic defeat stress in mice: A systematic review of current protocols
Neurobiology of Stress, Vol. 33
Body and appearance-related self-conscious emotions, emotional regulation strategies, and disordered eating in adult men
Current Psychology, Vol. 43, Núm. 13, pp. 11754-11771
Bot fly parasitism in mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata): General patterns and climate influences
American Journal of Primatology, Vol. 86, Núm. 11
Cambio de Idioma como Mecanismo de Distanciamiento Emocional y su Implicación en las Conductas de Salud: una Revisión Sistemática
Papeles del psicólogo, Vol. 45, Núm. 2, pp. 91-98
Centenarian hippocampus displays high levels of astrocytic metallothioneins
Aging Cell, Vol. 23, Núm. 8
Chronic defeat stress induces monoamine level dysregulation in the prefrontal cortex but not in the hippocampus of OF1 male mice
Behavioural Brain Research, Vol. 467
Civic Engagement in Emerging Adulthood: Variation by Gender and SES, and Association with Personal Adjustment
SAGE Open, Vol. 14, Núm. 4
Development and Validation of a Measure of Expectations Toward Romantic Relationships (ETRR)
Acta Psychologica, Vol. 251
Do Hormone Levels Influence Bullying during Childhood and Adolescence? A Systematic Review of the Literature
CHILDREN-BASEL, Vol. 11, Núm. 2