Publicaciones (16) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A Vasconic inscription on a bronze hand: Writing and rituality in the Iron Age Irulegi settlement in the Ebro Valley

    Antiquity, Vol. 98, Núm. 397, pp. 66-84

  2. Alternation between humans and carnivores in the occupations of the Mousterian site of Sopeña rock-shelter (Asturias, Spain)

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 328

  3. Environmental dynamics of the western European Mediterranean landscape during the Pleistocene to Holocene transition

    Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Vol. 33, Núm. 3, pp. 323-341

  4. Evidencias de sistemas de almacenamiento en los límites de la planicie pampeana. Un asentamiento indígena previo al fuerte Sancti Spiritus (1527-1529)

    X Congreso de Arqueología de la Región Pampeana Argentina (X CARPA)

  5. Excavaciones arqueológicas en monumentos líticos preislámicos del área de Zug (Tiris, Sahara Occidental): resultados iniciales y estimaciones cronológicas

    Almogaren, Núm. 55, pp. 5-42

  6. Human colonisation and vegetation response to Late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene climate variability in Northern Iberia based on a multiproxy analysis of the Atxurra cave-fill

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 637

  7. Hydrological dynamics of snowmelt induced streamflow in a high mountain catchment of the Pyrenees under contrasting snow accumulation and duration years

    Hydrological Processes, Vol. 38, Núm. 3

  8. La inflación de precios de los alimentos: evolución reciente y propuestas desde la cadena agroalimentaria

    Papeles de economía española, Núm. 179, pp. 108-123

  9. Notes on the radiocarbon dating of the Tingefuf E-1 goulet (Dougaj, West Sahara

    Almogaren, Núm. 55, pp. 87-94

  10. Orphan crops of archaeology-based crop history research

    Plants People Planet

  11. Paisaia-arloko jardunbide egokien gidaliburua. Hiriko ibai-eremuak

    Servicio Editorial = Argitalpen Zerbitzua

  12. Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    Nature, Vol. 625, Núm. 7994, pp. 301-311

  13. Publisher Correction: Populatiosn genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia (Nature, (2024), 625, 7994, (301-311), 10.1038/s41586-023-06865-0)


  14. The Founders project: Evaluating the economic role of the 'founder crops' prior to the emergence of agriculture in southwest Asia

    Antiquity, Vol. 98, Núm. 397

  15. The Founders project: evaluating the economic role of the ‘founder crops’ prior to the emergence of agriculture in southwest Asia

    Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite, Vol. 98, Núm. 397

  16. The individuals from the Neolithic multiple gathering of Pontcharaud site, Clermont-Ferrand (excavations 1986): warriors or accompanying dead?

    Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris