Publications (21) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. A new simple and robust control strategy for wind farm reactive power regulation

    IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings

  2. Adaptive control algorithm for a vector controlled induction machine-based position servo system

    Ciencia y Engenharia/ Science and Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 15-20

  3. Adaptive control for biomass-based diesel-wind system

    Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON

  4. Adaptive control of a fuel cell-microturbine hybrid power plant

    Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference

  5. Análisis comparativo del impacto ambiental de componentes de transformadores eléctricos

    Comunicaciones presentadas al VI Congreso Internacional de Proyectos de Ingeniería: celebrado en Barcelona del 23 al 25 de Octubre de 2002

  6. Application of the finite elements method for the design of new clamps for GTACSR conductors

    Comunicaciones presentadas al VI Congreso Internacional de Proyectos de Ingeniería: celebrado en Barcelona del 23 al 25 de Octubre de 2002

  7. Comparison between discrete STFT and wavelets for the analysis of power quality events

    Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 62, Núm. 3, pp. 183-190

  8. Dynamic behaviour of a real wind farm: Analysis of interactions between generators

    Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference

  9. Effect of surface band structure in the energy loss of ions at surfaces

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol. 193, Núm. 1-4, pp. 585-589

  10. Euskarazko ikasketak Bilboko industria-ingeniaritza teknikorako unibertsitate-eskolan

    Euskal Unibertsitatea 2021: egiten ari garen euskarazko unibertsitatea

  11. Inelastic scattering of low-energy electrons in metals: The role of kinematics in screening

    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 14, Núm. 10, pp. 2647-2651

  12. Modelación y simulación de sistemas mediante VisSim

    Forum tecnológico, Núm. 3, pp. 18-19

  13. Neuro-fuzzy control for autonomous wind-diesel systems using biomass

    Renewable Energy, Vol. 27, Núm. 1, pp. 39-56

  14. Nonlinear effects in the energy loss of a slow dipole in a free-electron gas

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 66, Núm. 5

  15. Nonlinear effects in the energy loss of a slow dipole in a free-electron gas

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 66, Núm. 5, pp. 4

  16. Possibilities for biomass-based power plant and wind system integration

    Energy, Vol. 27, Núm. 10, pp. 955-966

  17. Relaxation of excited electrons in an electron gas: A mean-field approach with charge and spin polarizations

    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 65, Núm. 23, pp. 2351021-2351026

  18. Simulation and transient testing of numerical relays

    IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 15, Núm. 4, pp. 57-62

  19. Una nueva metodología para la planificación flexible de la red de transporte en mercados eléctricos liberalizados

    Energía: Ingeniería energética y medioambiental, Año 28, Núm. 167, pp. 81-86

  20. Verifying resonant grounding in distribution systems

    IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 15, Núm. 4, pp. 45-50