Cátedra UNESCO Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental
Articles (5) Publications in which a researcher has participated
Analysing the synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services to reorient land use planning in Metropolitan Bilbao (northern Spain)
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 10, Núm. 12
Identifying green infrastructure as a basis for an incentive mechanism at the municipality level in biscay (basque country)
Forests, Vol. 9, Núm. 1
Land use efficiency through analysis of agrological capacity and ecosystem services in an industrialized region (Biscay, Spain)
Land Use Policy, Vol. 78, pp. 650-661
Naturaren onurak gizarteratzeko hezkuntza: ekosistemen zerbitzuen ikasketa-irakasketarako inplementazio didaktikoa
Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica, Núm. 21
Trabajando las leyes de la mecánica a través de un proyecto: el móvil de Newton, un juguete muy serio
Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica, Núm. 20