Articles (6) Publications in which a researcher has participated
Deposited PtGe Clusters as Active and Durable Catalysts for CO Oxidation**
ChemCatChem, Vol. 16, Núm. 3
Doping Efects on Ethane/Ethylene Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by Pt2X Nanoclusters
ChemPhysChem, Vol. 25, Núm. 12
Geochemical evidence for crustal anatexis during intra-orogenic transcurrent tectonics: Insights from Variscan peraluminous granites from the La Bazana Pluton (Ossa–Morena Zone, Iberian Massif)
Lithos, Vol. 472-473
Geochronological record of Cadomian exterior orogen reworking in bi-modal igneous protoliths of the Cabo Ortegal Allochthon (NW Iberia): the Cambrian onset of the Palaeozoic plate-tectonic cycle
International Geology Review, Vol. 66, Núm. 1, pp. 310-335
Improving the mechanical and biological functions of cell sheet constructs: The interplay of human-derived periodontal ligament stem cells, endothelial cells and plasma rich in growth factors
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, Vol. 174
Unveiling the quantum secrets of triel metal triangles: a tale of stability, aromaticity, and relativistic effects
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 26, Núm. 16, pp. 12619-12627