Investigador/a en el periodo 1985-2011
Publicaciones (49) Publicaciones de MARIA MILAGROS CORTAZAR DIEZ
Thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation of poly(hydroxy ether of bisphenol-A) studied by TGA/FTIR and TGA/MS
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 92, Núm. 2, pp. 407-416
Cold crystallization and multiple melting behavior of poly(L-lactide) in homogeneous and in multiphasic epoxy blends
Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 288, Núm. 3, pp. 283-296
Morphology and thermal properties relationship in poly(p-dioxanone)/layered double hydroxides nanocomposites
Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 288, Núm. 7, pp. 809-818
Phase behavior and morphology in epoxy resin/poly(L-lactide) blends. Comparison with epoxy resin/poly(L,D-lactide) blends
Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 288, Núm. 12-13, pp. 1281-1291
Structural characterization and thermal decomposition of layered double hydroxide/poly(p-dioxanone) nanocomposites
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 94, Núm. 5, pp. 804-809
Novel nanocomposites based on poly(p-dioxanone) and organically modified clays
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Synthesis and spectroelectrochemical characterization of an electrochromic phosphole-edot copolymer: Poly([1-phenyl-2,5-bis(2-thienyl)thioxophosphole] 0.14 -co- [3,4-ethylendioxythiophene]0.86)
Polymer Bulletin, Vol. 61, Núm. 6, pp. 713-724
Comparison of surface and bulk doping levels in chemical polypyrroles of low, medium and high conductivity
Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 39, Núm. 1, pp. 26-32
Nature of the crystalline interphase in sheared IPP/Vectra fiber model composites by microfocus X-ray diffraction and IR microspectroscopy using synchrotron radiation
Macromolecules, Vol. 39, Núm. 16, pp. 5564-5568
Structure-conductivity relationships in chemical polypyrroles of low, medium and high conductivity
Synthetic Metals, Vol. 156, Núm. 5-6, pp. 420-425
Binary poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate)/poly(styrene-co-vinyl phenol) blends: Comparisons of phase behaviour predictions using a single and a double interassociation model
Polymer, Vol. 46, Núm. 24, pp. 10741-10749
Melting behavior in blends of isotactic polypropylene and a liquid crystalline polymer
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 42, Núm. 10, pp. 1949-1959
Isothermal crystallisation of iPP/Vectra blends by DSC and simultaneous SAXS and WAXS measurements employing synchrotron radiation
Polymer, Vol. 44, Núm. 18, pp. 5209-5217
Compositional variation of glass-transition temperature in miscible polymer blends involving weak and strong specific interactions
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 203, Núm. 8, pp. 1088-1098
The effect of crosslinking and miscibility on the thermal degradation of an uncured and an amine-cured epoxy resin blended with poly(ε-caprolactone)
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 78, Núm. 1, pp. 83-93
Miscibility and crystallization of an amine-cured epoxy resin modified with crystalline poly(ε-caprolactone)
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 202, Núm. 7, pp. 1077-1088
Study of the degradation of uncured DGEBA/PVP blends by thermogravimetry and their miscibility state
Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 34, Núm. 11, pp. 2627-2633