Publicaciones (83) Publicaciones de NAIARA ORTEGA RODRIGUEZ


  1. CT-based traceable interface area detection in Al7075-T6 adhesive bonded structures

    European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Conference Proceedings - 22nd International Conference and Exhibition, EUSPEN 2022

  2. Estimación De La Incertidumbre De Medida Bajo Condiciones “on Shop Floor” En Centro De Mecanizado De Cinco Ejes

    XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica-CIBIM 2022. UPM-España

  3. On the friability of mussel shells as abrasive

    Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 375


  1. A methodology to obtain traceability for internal and external measurements of Inconel 718 components by means of XRCT

    NDT and E International, Vol. 120

  2. Analysis of the Effect of Porosity on the Mechanical Behaviour of L-PBF Inconel 718 Using XRCT

    Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 9: Gijόn, 2021, Spain, June 23-24-25

  3. CT Image Quality Influence on Different Material Edge Response Functions for Accurate Metrological Applications

    Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 9: Gijόn, 2021, Spain, June 23-24-25

  4. Fabrikazio gehigarriaren iraunkortasun-azterketa: materiala aurreztea eta kontsumo energetikoa murriztea

    Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, Núm. 1, pp. 155-171

  5. On the Performance of Super Abrasive Machining (SAM) on Small Diameter CBN Wheel Wear

    Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 9: Gijόn, 2021, Spain, June 23-24-25