Publications (37) FABRIZIO TITONE publications


  1. Disciplined Dissent in Western Europe, 1200–1600: Political Action between Submission and Defiance coord.


  2. Gaining Political Recognition in Western Europe, 1200–1600

    Disciplined Dissent in Western Europe, 1200–1600: Political Action between Submission and Defiance (Brepols), pp. 7-47

  3. Knowledge and Agency in Catania in the Later Middle Ages

    Disciplined Dissent in Western Europe, 1200–1600: Political Action between Submission and Defiance (Brepols), pp. 269-306

  4. L’isola ribelle: Procida nelle tempeste della Controriforma, by Giovanni Romeo

    The English Historical Review, Vol. 137, Núm. 588, pp. 1522-1523


  1. Conflicto y negociación: el populus en Catania y su participación política en el siglo XV

    La ciudad medieval. Nuevas aproximaciones (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 215-252

  2. L’amministrazione del regno di Sicilia: Cancelleria, apparati finanziari e strumenti di governo nel tardo Medioevo, by Alessandro Silvestri

    The English Historical Review, Vol. 135, Núm. 574, pp. 671-673

  3. Maritalis affectio, confesores y redes de solidaridad: El disenso femenino sobre el gobierno familiar

    Creencias y disidencias: experiencias políticas, sociales, culturales y religiosas en la Historia de las Mujeres (Comares), pp. 21-40


  1. España a finales de la Edad Media, I: Población. Economía, by Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada

    The English Historical Review, Vol. 134, Núm. 570, pp. 1279-1281

  2. Sistema normativo e partecipazione politica nella Sicilia del tardo Medioevo

    Des chartes aux constitutions : autour de l'idée constitutionnelle en Europe (XIIe-XVIIe siècle) (Publications de la Sorbonne), pp. 211-231


  1. Emotions and Mourning Rites in Late Medieval Sicily

    Guizhou Social Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 71-77

  2. Il ruolo delle universitates nella produzione normativa in Sicilia, secoli XIV-XV

    Statuts communaux et circulations documentaires dans les sociétés méditerranéennes de l'occident (xiie-xve siècle) (Éditions de la Sorbonne), pp. 203-222

  3. Partecipazione alla preminenza: sperimentalismo istituzionale e dissenso disciplinato nella Sicilia tardo medievale

    Convegno della Medievistica italiana (1º. 2018. Bertinoro, Italia)


  1. Developing strategies of protest in late medieval Sicily

    The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt (Routledge), pp. 292-310

  2. Il governo vescovile nella diocesi di Catania tra fenomeni di comunicazione, presenze di forestieri e culti devozionali (secoli XIV–metà del XVI)

    Urban Dynamics and Transcultural Communication in Medieval Sicily (Brill), pp. 251-276

  3. Sobre la elaboración de discursos políticos en el ámbito ciudadano al final de la Edad Media

    Discurso político y relaciones de poder: ciudad, nobleza y monarquía en la Baja Edad Media (Dykinson), pp. 539-557


  1. Developing strategies of protest in late medieval Sicily

    The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt (Taylor and Francis), pp. 292-310

  2. Disciplined Dissent: Strategies of Non-Confrontational Protest in Europe from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century coord.


  3. Introduction. The Concept of Disciplined Dissent and its Deployment: A Methodology

    Disciplined Dissent: Strategies of Non-Confrontational Protest in Europe from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century, pp. 7-22

  4. The Right to Consent and Disciplined Dissent: Betrothals and Marriages in the Diocese of Catania in the Late Medieval Period

    Disciplined Dissent: Strategies of Non-Confrontational Protest in Europe from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century (Viella), pp. 139-168