Publicaciones (43) Publicaciones de ERIK MACHO MIER


  1. Design and analysis of an active 2-DOF lockable joint

    Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 50, Núm. 8, pp. 2736-2759


  1. Design of an active reconfigurable 2R joint

    Mechanisms and Machine Science (Springer Netherlands), pp. 1423-1429

  2. Designing a Translational Parallel Manipulator Based on the 3SS Kinematic Joint

    Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 11, Núm. 5

  3. Dynamics and mechanical vibrations. Complementing the theory with virtual simulation and experimental analysis

    Mechanisms and Machine Science (Springer Netherlands), pp. 64-71


  1. Mekanismo lauen sintesirako eta ikasketa zinematikorako irakaskuntza softwarea

    Teknologia berriak eta Hezkuntza joerak (Servicio Editorial = Argitalpen Zerbitzua), pp. 471-480

  2. Multioperation capacity of parallel manipulators basing on generic kinematic chain approach

    Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 116, pp. 234-247

  3. Translational parallel manipulator with Pa2 kinematic joints

    Mechanisms and Machine Science