Grupo Consolidado de Investigación en Prehistoria (GIZAPRE) - GIC 21/071
Université de Toulouse
Tolosa, FranciaPublicaciones en colaboración con investigadoras/es de Université de Toulouse (3)
How to deal with an elephant in the room? Understanding “non-flint” raw materials: characterisation and technological organisation
ArkeoGazte: Revista de arqueología - Arkelogia aldizkaria, Núm. 12, pp. 73-89
Just before sewing needles. A functional hypothesis for Gravettian Noailles-type burins from Isturitz cave (Basque Country, southwestern France)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 25, pp. 420-432
Contribution of landscape analysis to the characterisation of Palaeolithic sites: A case study from El Horno Cave (northern Spain)
Quaternary International, Vol. 412, pp. 82-98