La Educación EcosocialAportaciones desde la literatura infantil y juvenil
- 1 Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
ISSN: 2171-9624
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 30
Pages: 83-99
Type: Article
More publications in: Álabe: Revista de Investigación sobre Lectura y Escritura
Water, like any other natural resource, is a very precious but finite resource. Excessive consumption and numerous agricultural and business practices, as well as extreme weather events, are causing water to become increasingly scarce and at the same time more contaminated. As recognized by the United Nations Organization (n.d.), water is essential to health, poverty reduction, food security, peace and human rights, ecosystems and education. Water is essential for life, and in that sense, educating about the importance of water –and Nature in general– is paramount. This work will introduce Ecosocial Education, an education based on values such as social and environmental justice. Likewise, a series of readings from Children’s and Young Adult Literature will be analyzed. These readings will provide an unbeatable framework for working in alignment both literary and ecosocial education. The literary works will be analyzed from various perspectives including environmental justice, equality, or the recognition of the value of linguistic and cultural diversity. Each reading will be complemented by proposals for actions that will allow students to become agents of social change
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