Implementación de la guía El maltrato contra las mujerescribado, identificación y respuesta inicial de la Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO)
- Diaz-Gonzalez, Marisol 1
- Larrinaga-Llaguno, Maite 2
- Pérez-Urdiales, Iratxe 3
- Vallejo-De la Hoz, Gorka 4
- Garate-Echenique, Lucía 5
- Tíscar-González, Verónica 4
- 1 OSI Bilbao-Basurto, Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Familiar y Comunitaria, Osakidetza. Bizkaia, España.
- 2 OSI Bilbao-Basurto, Osakidetza. Bizkaia, España.
- 3 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), IIS Biobizkaia. Bizkaia. España.
- 4 OSI Bilbao-Basurto, IIS Biobizkaia, Osakidetza. Bizkaia, España.
- 5 Subdirección de enfermería, Organización Central de Osakidetza, Osakidetza. Bizkaia, España.
ISSN: 2382-4603, 0123-7047
Año de publicación: 2023
Título del ejemplar: diciembre 2023 - marzo 2024: Personal de Salud; Conocimiento; Inteligencia Artificial
Volumen: 26
Número: 3
Páginas: 522-538
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: MedUNAB
Introduction. The World Health Organization considers gender-based violence to be a severe public health problem. One in four women between 15 and 49 years of age has suffered gender-based violence in her lifetime since the age of 15. It has severe consequences for the health not only of women but also of their children. The Bilbao-Basurto Integrated Health Organization and the University of the Basque Country are committed to responding to this critical problem through the implementation of the Good Practice Guide: Abuse against Women: Screening, identification, and initial response. Objective. To reflect on the process of implementation of the good clinical practice guide on "Abuse against women in the RNAO: screening, identification and initial response". Reflection topics. This article will address two topics for reflection: 1) Description of the implementation methodology. 2) Description of each of the phases, both clinically and academically. Conclusions. The RNAO Good Practice Guide: "RNAO Woman Abuse: Screening, identification and initial response", presents a useful tool for implementing exemplary practices in health systems that help in the fight against gender-based violence. Nurses and other health professionals are in a privileged position to assist women in the fight against gender-based violence.
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