Bateriaren Zahartzeaz Kontziente den Energiaren Kudeaketako Estrategiaren Sentsibilitate-Analisia

  1. Jon Ander López Ibarra 1
  2. Nerea Goitia Zabaleta 2
  3. Haizea Gaztañaga 1
  4. Haritza Camblong 3
  1. 1 IK4-IKERLAN


    Arrasate / Mondragon, España

  2. 2 Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Mondragón, España


  3. 3 EZTIA. Institute of Technology
III. Ikergazte. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu bilduma
  1. Olatz Arbelaitz Gallego (coord.)
  2. Ainhoa Latatu (coord.)
  3. Miren Josu Omaetxebarria Ibarra (coord.)
  4. Urtzi Etxeberria Otaegi (coord.)

Publisher: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano

ISBN: 978-84-8438-681-0 978-84-8438-686-5

Year of publication: 2019

Volume Title: Ingeniaritza eta Arkitektura

Tome: 1

Volume: 1

Pages: 87-93

Congress: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (3. 2019. null)

Type: Conference paper


The aim of this paper is to present the sensitivity analysis of a battery ageing conscious energy management strategy. The initial design of an energy management strategy is a significant point, in order to fulfil the efficiency goals. The proposed energy management strategy is a fuzzy logic control algorithm, which membership functions and output are tuned by dynamic programming optimisation. The sensitivity study has been based on analysing the operation costs within the battery lifetime. This strategy has been implemented in a series hybrid electric bus. The vehicle auxiliary power and passengers have been identified as sensitive variables. Two main conclusions have been obtained from the analysis. Firstly, the strategy is more sensitive with respect to auxiliaries demanded power. Secondly, due to the fact that the conditions used for the initial design vary within the battery lifetime, a strategy updating need is observed.