Grands mangeurs et grands buveurs dans la Grèce ancienne

  1. Garcia Soler, María José
Food and History

ISSN: 1780-3187 2034-2101

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Pages: 37-57

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.100081 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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Concerning the subject of food and drink, the texts of Ancient Greece present a panorama generally caracterized by austerity. It is not uncommon to find recommendations of moderations in the writings of philosophers and others, and certain public figures or peoples were famous for their frugality. On the other hand, Greek literature is full of characters known for their eating and drinking excesses. Authors use them above all with a double finality : to provoke laughter through exaggerated descriptions of these characters, and furnish the reader with models that are morally reprehensible as an illustration to the negative consequences of such excesses.