Análisis de las Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas en Educación Primariaun Estudio de Caso a través de las Voces y Dibujos Argumentados del Alumnado
- Foncillas Beamonte, Mercedes 1
- Santiago-Garabieta, Maite 2
- Tellado, Itxaso 3
- 1 Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros
Universidad de Deusto
- 3 Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya
ISSN: 2014-2862
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Titel der Ausgabe: REMIE - October 2020
Ausgabe: 10
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 205-225
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: REMIE: Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research
This article presents the impact that a Successful Educational Action (SEA), specifically the Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG) have had among the 4th grade students, after its implementation, during 10 sessions. Data analyzed has been written communicative accounts and argued drawings that these boys and girls provided, without having been required as part of the investigation, but which informed about the deep lived experience. The study is part of the RTD research: Impact of interactive learning environments on academic and social success (García-Carrión, 2015-2017). The contributions of these 48 students have been qualitatively analyzed. The results show that DLGs promote understanding, reflection, knowledge and learning from the enjoyment of works of classical literature. At the same time, they positively highlight their evolution in classroom dynamics and participation in their educational and family environment, by increasing interactions based on egalitarian dialogue.
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