Bektore ez-biral lipidikoak garatzeko erabiltzen diren teknikak eta hauen garrantzia etorkizunerako
- Iván Maldonado Pérez
- Jon Zarate Sesma
- Gustavo Puras Ochoa
- Lucía Enríquez Rodríguez
- Idoia Gallego
- Mohamed Admed Mashal
- Noha Elsayed Attia Hussien
- José Luis Pedraz Muñoz
- Olatz Arbelaitz Gallego (ed. lit.)
- Ainhoa Latatu (ed. lit.)
- Elixabete Pérez Gaztelu (ed. lit.)
Publisher: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano
ISBN: 978-84-8438-862-3, 978-84-8438-866-1
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 153-158
Congress: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (5. 2023. Donostia)
Type: Conference paper
In recent years, non-viral lipid vectors have gained important recognition thanks to the new vaccines that have been developed for COVID. For this reason, in this article we wanted to refer to the two types of vectors that we work with in our research group, niosomes and lipid particles. Focusing on their production processes, we will show the importance of microjluidic and sonicator methods in the activity of these formulations. Finally, we will mention the present and future applications of these new formulations, highlighting their potential to become one of the major advances in medicine.