Apunts per a una fenomenologia de la interseccionalitat

  1. Marta Jorba Grau
Convivium: revista de filosofía

ISSN: 0010-8235

Année de publication: 2020

Número: 33

Pages: 49-66

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Convivium: revista de filosofía


The concept of intersectionality refers to the way social categories such as gender, race, age, class or sexuality are related and to which are their effects on people’s experiences. First, this article examines the place of the notion of experience in the foundational works of intersectionality. Second, on the basis of Husserlian themes elaborated by Sara Ahmed, I propose some notes for a phenomenology of intersectionality that describes the experiential structures manifested in the oppression and privilege dynamics of different interconnected social systems. I will characterize the experience of oppression throught the structure of «being out of place» and the thematization of the context, a structure that at the same time is experienced as «normal» from positions of privilege, and I will present the experience of the possibility of being opressed and oppressor at the same time as a specific feature of intersectional dynamics.

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