Desarrollo de competencias ambientales en una actividad con estudiantes universitarios

  1. Araitz Uskola Ibarluzea
  2. Gurutze Maguregi González
Revista Forum de Sostenibilidad = Forum Iraunkortasun aldizkaria = Sustainability Forum journal

ISSN: 1887-9810

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 43-50

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Forum de Sostenibilidad = Forum Iraunkortasun aldizkaria = Sustainability Forum journal


In this work we have characterised the stages in the decision-making process of three university student groups deciding about an open environmental problem. The stages are linked to the objectives of Environmental Education and are taken from the model of Smyth (1995). The groups studied do follow these stages, evolving to better competences, but there are differences among them, and two of the analysed groups seem to stay too long in the Awareness stage. A reflection is made about the possible consequences of this fact and some implications for the design of future educational activities.