La proporcionalidad del uso del pasaporte COVID para permitir la apertura del interior de establecimientos abiertos al público: un breve comentario a la sentencia de 14 de septiembre de 2021 del Tribunal Supremo

  1. Mario Santisteban Galarza
Revista de derecho y genoma humano: genética, biotecnología y medicina avanzada

ISSN: 1134-7198

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Nummer: 56

Seiten: 171-186

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de derecho y genoma humano: genética, biotecnología y medicina avanzada


Recently, the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court has ruled on the mandatory exhibition of the COVID passport as a requirement for access to certain establishments open to the public. This measure, postulated by different public administrations to control the spread of the virus, has been questioned by several Superior Courts of Justice on the understanding that it affected fundamental rights. Although the various decisions argue that the limitation of the legal assets at stake is not of particular intensity, the courts have understood that the health authorities have failed to justify the necessity and suitability of the measure. In this way, Superior Courts of justice such as the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Galicia and Andalusia, have denied the ratification of the measures limiting fundamental rights that entailed the use of the COVID passport, having been the decision of the Andalusia court ratified by the Supreme Court. In this new pronouncement the Supreme Court adopts a novel position, marrying the order of the Superior Court of Justice, in this case that of Galicia and ratifying the decision of the Galician administration. The aim of my analysis will be to determine what circumstances have caused the High Court to depart from the precedent, marking a series of criteria that will affect the way that the Superior Courts of Justice face the ratification of this sanitary measure.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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  • WHO, ““Immunity passports” in the context of COVID-19” 24 April 2020, disponible en: