Gure semiosferaretórica y missainescena de la izquierda abertzale contemporánea

  1. Rivas Venegas, Miguel
Sancho el sabio: Revista de cultura e investigación vasca

ISSN: 1131-5350 2445-0782

Année de publication: 2020

Titre de la publication: Sancho el Sabio

Número: 43

Pages: 115-142

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Sancho el sabio: Revista de cultura e investigación vasca


The singular mariage between the exaltation of a sublimated tradition, in combination with an effective defence of a clearly progressive political programme, makes of the left-wing Basque nationalist coalition one of the most particular contemporary political movements. The present article will simultaneously analyse the self-representation strategies of the ezker abertzaleak through their language use and political performances.

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