Colombian Transitional JusticeThe media discourse of the Peace Agreement and perceptions regarding its institutions

  1. Angélica Caicedo-Moreno
  2. Pablo Castro-Abril
  3. Wilson López-López
  4. Lorena Gil Montes
Deusto journal of human rights = Revista Deusto de derechos humanos

ISSN: 2530-4275 2603-6002

Année de publication: 2021

Titre de la publication: Collective violence and peace culture: Research on social psychology of memory and social reconciliation

Número: 8

Pages: 51-82

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18543/DJHR.2284 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Deusto journal of human rights = Revista Deusto de derechos humanos


Colombia had the longest internal armed conflict in Latin America, and its government reached a peace agreement with the FARC guerrillas in 2016. This article explores the transitional justice social representations during the signing of the peace agreement (study 1) and their implementation, during 2019-2020 (study 2). The first study analyzes the news related to the institutions created from the peace agreement during 2016. The second study explores different psychosocial variables associated with its two most controversial institutions, the Truth Commission (TC) and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) during 2019-2020, after the beginning of its work. The findings revealed that news articles from two principal Colombian newspapers illustrate two anchoring categories of transitional justice with an emphasis on victims, while the political position of the newspaper suggests possible disagreements on what peace entails. Surveys showed that political position and victimization are crucial for the approval and support of the TC and the JEP, as well as correlated with the level of media consumption regarding these institutions.

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