El programa de estudios para formación de constructores establecido en la escuela de artes y oficios de Bilbao a lo largo del último cuarto del s. XIX

  1. Pacho Fernández, María Jesús 1
  1. 1 UPV-EHU
Bidebarrieta: Revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales de Bilbao

ISSN: 1137-4888

Datum der Publikation: 1997

Titel der Ausgabe: Hiria, artea eta ondarea. Arte, patrimonio monumental y Ciudad

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 145-155

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Bidebarrieta: Revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales de Bilbao


The formulation at the School of Arts and Trades of a complete study program, in which disciplines of an artistic nature had a quantitative and qualitative weight of great importance, made this centre into a dynamic element of the first order in cultural and artistic life, as well as in the education of the popular classes. The affinity of the project with the aim of the present symposium is provided by the incorporation into these plans of study of a teaching plan specifically dedicated to artisans involved in the area of building. Marble-workers, stone-cutters, masons as pupils, while master-builders and architects working in the city became involved in the project of the school following its creation in 1879.