Acoso escolar y laboralUn estudio realizado en la facultad de medicina y enfermería.

  1. Naiara Ozamiz Etxebarria 1
  2. Miren Agurtzane Ortiz Jauregi 1
  1. 1 Área de Psiquiatría del Departamento de Neurociencias de la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad del País Vasco-EHU
Norte de Salud Mental

ISSN: 1578-4940

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Ausgabe: 15

Nummer: 59

Seiten: 37-45

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Norte de Salud Mental


Introduction: During the student´s years of study all students have had contact with peer violence. In the workplace there is a type of behaviour similar to bullying, the mobbing (workplace bullying). It is necessary that medical students reflect on the harassment since it has serious physical and psychological consequences on the victim. The future doctor will have patients who are living this situation and will also be able to live this situation in their places of work. In health institutions there is a high incidence of harassment. The objective of this work has been to make an individual and group reflection on the harassment and with students, professors and people from administration and services of the faculty of medicine and nursing. In this research we have observed what experiences, visions and information they have around to bullying and mobbing. Methodology: Students, professors and the administration and staff services of the university participated in a film-forum session. After watching a film about harassment in the hospital environment, the participants answered some questions about the harassment and debated the questions in groups. Results: The majority of the participants recognized that they knew of a case of harassment in the area of school, university or work. The most frequently mentioned harassment behaviours were insults, separating the person, contempt, physical violence, and passivity in the face of harassment. The need for an emotional education is mentioned to reduce the behaviour of bullying. The results show that the people who participated in this forum have enough knowledge about harassment; although they value that there must be more emotional education in the classrooms.

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