Corpus based prosodic variation in BasqueY/N questions marked with the particle al

  1. Aurrekoetxea, Gotzon
  2. Gaminde, Iñaki
  3. Iglesias, Aitor
Estudios de fonética experimental

ISSN: 2385-3573 1575-5533

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Nummer: 20

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Estudios de fonética experimental


This paper describes the intonational variation between two generations in three different localities of the Basque Country, using data recorded and organized in the EDAK corpus (Dialectal Oral Corpus of the Basque Language) and analysing the usage of just one type of sentence, namely y/n questions. In the selected localities, there are two morphological ways of constructing this type of sentence: using the morphological marker al before the verb (or between the verb and the auxiliary) or not using it. First, we identify the phonological patterns that exist in these localities. Then, we analyse intergenerational variation, according to the five different phonological patterns found. Finally, we study the geo-prosodic variation which exists between older and younger people from these localities.

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