El autoconceptoperspectivas de investigación

  1. Esnaola Etxaniz, Igor
  2. Goñi Grandmontagne, Alfredo
  3. Madariaga Orbea, José María
Revista de psicodidáctica

ISSN: 1136-1034

Datum der Publikation: 2008

Ausgabe: 13

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 179-194

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de psicodidáctica


This line considers three aims: 1. to identify the dimensions (structure factor) of thephysical, personal and social self-concepts and to measure them (constructing measurementinstruments); 2. to identify the variability of self-concept domains and dimensions in relationto factors such as age, gender, and social and personal facets, which, in turn, will enable us toverify the validity of new instruments for measuring; 3. to develop guidelines and strategiesfor psycho-educational intervention, and to verify their effectiveness regarding improvementsin the self-concept. Since the nineties, an interesting line of research has developed (in whichthe work carried out over the past ten years by the research group that presents this project isincluded) around the internal structure of a physical self-concept and the strong links it haswith eating disorders, practising sports, psychological well-being, and healthy lifestyles, forinstance. This project seeks to extend the line of research carried out on the physical self-concept to the personal and social domains of the self-concept, on the one hand, and on theother, to generate new proposals and resources in academic intervention which are coherentwith the new knowledge gained on the self-concept.