Repression and Criminalization of the Ecologist Movement in the Basque Country:the Case of the High Speed Train Project

  1. Alonso Cidad, Carlos
  2. Barcena Hynojal, Iñaki Bizente
  3. Gorostidi Bidaurrazaga, Izaro
Oñati socio-legal series
  1. Rojas Páez, Gustavo (coord.)
  2. Terwindt, Carolijn (coord.)

ISSN: 2079-5971

Année de publication: 2014

Titre de la publication: Whose Natural Resources? Criminalization of Social Protest in a Globalizing World

Volumen: 4

Número: 1

Pages: 13-34

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Oñati socio-legal series


This article offers an analysis of the process of criminalization, which, in the authors� opinion, the Basque Ecologist Movement (BEM) has suffered in its fight against the High Speed Train (HST). The text is structured in five sections. The initial section highlights the main characteristics of the BEM from its origins to the present, indicating the importance in its development of the Basque national question and political violence on one side, and a combined discourse that is at once local and global on the other. The second section provides data referring to the HST project, indicating its political and socio-economic impacts, while the third section is dedicated to clarifying the main identity features and lines of action of the anti-HST movement. The fourth section shows both the repertory of collective action of the opponents of the HST and the policies of repression and criminalization exercised against them. The fifth and final section is situated in today�s new political cycle, which follows the end of ETA�s armed activity and sets out possible future scenarios. Rather than an academic article consisting of intellectual reflection, this article is intended as a political testimony of the long struggle of this social movement, involving 20 years of ecologist activism, a struggle that continues today, since the infrastructure project is still in force, although the conflict is little known at the international level.

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