Aproximación a la arquitectura doméstica y rural bajomedieval en Franciaanálisis y valoración de una casa de finales del siglo XV en Normandía

  1. Andrea Céspedes Villar
  2. Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz dir.
  3. Guuinic, Théodore dir.
Máster universitario en rehabilitación, restauración y gestión integral del patrimonio construido y de las construcciones existentes (UPV-EHU): X aniversario (2010-2020)
  1. Santiago Sánchez Beitia (dir.)
  2. Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz (ed. lit.)
  3. Iñigo Lizundia Uranga (ed. lit.)
  4. David Ordóñez Castañón (ed. lit.)

Verlag: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 9788409252732

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Seiten: 25-38

Art: Buch-Kapitel


From a prof essional, academic and profoundly personal viewpoint, the case study of the house Berville is approached, whose rural and "anonymous" architectural nature poses a challenge for the author as to how to value and understand it. To do so, a basic analysis is made of the general context that surrounds it, followed by a physical and architectural description, which, together with a compendium of theoretical ideas related to domestic architecture and its evaluation, as well as other approaches to the method of historical research on things, allows us to approach our own vision of this type of built heritage and the discipline of restoration as a too! for its preservation